Statistics for 2010

The year 2010 is over and I have finished the frame count for the year:

My archive contains the following films:

120 B&W: 12 rolls > 120 frames
135 B&W: 95 rolls > 3420 frames
135 C-41: 77 rolls > 2772 frames
The Rollei project: 133 rolls > 4788 frames

From January to August I used digital too:
January: 123 pictures
February: 816 pictures
March: 1680 pictures
April: 465 pictures
May: 476 pictures
June: 392 pictures
July: 1974 pictures
August: 525 pictures
Complete digital: 6451 pictures

Complete analogue and digital: 17551 frames

Used cameras:

Linhof 220, Nikon F-301, Beauty Lightomatic II, Olympus mju-II, Konica Off-road, Olympus Trip, Nikon FM, Vivitar 35ES, Canon AF35ML, Chinon CE-II, Chinon Bellami, Ricoh 800EES, Zorki 1, Nikon 801s, Ricoh R1, Nikon F-601, Nikon FG, Nikon FG-20, Nikon F-50, Olympus XA4, Konica FS-1, Pentax ME, Lomo LC-A, Konica AF-3, Yashica 35GS, Yashica T5, Olympus mju-I, Kiev 4A, Canon AV-1, Olympus 35RC, Konica C35, Konica Recorder, Rollei 35, Olympus OM-1, Nikon Pronea S, Canonet 28, Nippon, Contax 137MA, Contaflex Super, Karat 36, Nikon 35AWAF, Praktica MTL5B, Retina Ia, Agfa Ambi Silette, Porst Hapo 36,

Minolta Dimage 7i and Nikon Coolpix 5600

1 comment:

  1. inspiring! would definitily be interesting to see how much I used a particular film and camera.
    I really need to start organising my negs...
